Updates for your Chapter contact’s email address and phone number
Dear Chapter contacts:
On November 17, I sent out a request through the Chapters email list asking for updated Chapter contacts’ email addresses and phone numbers for 2018. To date, I have received responses from only 21 of 79 Chapters. If yours has not responded, please take a moment to review the original message posted on the NCSBA website under “NCSBA Announcements” dated 11/17/17 and follow that procedure to respond as requested.
The link to the Q&A information mentioned in that announcement is https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/q-a-for-chapters/ . I’d like to get these updates by December 31 so we can start the year with an accurate Chapter email list.
Do not send your new list of officers now. That will be requested later.
Thanks. Suzy Spencer NCSBA Membership Secretary