The Certified Honey Producer Program (CHPP) is the official marketing program of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA). The CHPP promotes local honey produced by the beekeepers of the NCSBA and a genuine product of the State and connects local beekeepers with consumers who are looking to purchase local honey.
The CHPP features:
- Discover the Goodness and Certified Honey Producer labels
Beekeepers who participate in the program agree to label and classify their honey in accordance with the guidelines of the CHPP. Only active participants may purchase labels from the NCSBA online store. - Truth in labeling
We want consumers to know what they are buying; no deceptive labeling going on here! No honey packers are allowed, only real North Carolina honey producers. - Certified Honey Producer Registry
The CHPP maintains an up-to-date registry of every Certified Honey Producer. Our “Discover the Goodness” label features the URL where consumers can access the online registry to verify that the seller is indeed a Certified Honey Producer. - Honey locator map
Beekeepers can elect to have their location and contact information displayed on a North Carolina state map in order for consumers to know how to find the nearest source of local honey available. Connect with your customers with the honey locator map!
The Certified Honey producer Program is open to all active members of the NCSBA who apply for participation and are approved by a designated reference. The “Certified” and “Discover the Goodness” labels will bear a registered trademark symbol owned by the NCSBA which gives it the sole authority to determine the criteria and circumstances under which the labels can be used.
To Apply by Mail
To participate in the Certified Honey Producer program, you must be a NCSBA member in good standing. You can download the application form below. The cost to apply is only $25 and allows beekeepers who adhere to the NC Honey Standard and are approved by the Honey Board the opportunity to purchase “Certified” labels for use on their honey.
North Carolina Certified Honey Producer Printed Application and Guidelines
New Certified Honey Producers are required to submit references. The form for doing so can be found here.
Please make check for $25 payable to the NCSBA. Send the application and check to:
Debbie Griffith
Update Your Information
Already in the program and need to update your information or get on the map?
Click on update my information and fill out the form. You may elect to:
- Registry only: Display only my name (minimum required)
- Registry only: Display my name and contact information
- Locator map: Display my name, contact information and enough information to locate me on the map but do not list my address
- Locator Map: Display my name, contact information, website and physical address of a store on the registry
Confused? Contact any member of the Certified Honey Producer Committee.