Apiary Tasks by Month
Beekeeping throughout the year is a variable process. Fitting annual apiary duties with the rest of your life can be tricky. NC State Apiary Inspector Nancy Ruppert has given us a helpful list of what can be expected throughout the year for beekeepers in the Piedmont. Those outside of central North Carolina will need to adjust for local conditions. We hope you find the Piedmont North Carolina Beekeeping Calendar useful.
NCSBA Events
Feb 1, 2022
Burke County Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
Feb 1, 2022
2/01/2022 - 2/22/2022
4 consecutive Tuesday nights - 2 hours each . Field Day TBD
2/1- in person at the Extension Office Morganton 6-7:30pm then last 3 Tuesdays virtually from 6-8pm
130 Ammons Dr
Morganton, North Carolina 28655
$50 per person- includes 1 yr local & State membership, books and materials
This years beginners class will be using the book: First Lessons in Beekeeping by Keith Delaplane, A Field Guide to Honeybees and Their Maladies by the Penn State Extension along with other printed materials. This class will be held on 4 consecutive Tuesdays in Feb with the first class being in person at the Burke County Extension Office at 130 Ammons Drive Morganton from 6-7:30pm then virtually after that via Zoom from 6-8pm. Field Day(s) TBD for March/April.
If interested, please contact the Burke County Extension Office at (828) 764-9480 to Register
Cabarrus Beginning Beekeeping Class
Feb 1, 2022
2/01/2022 - 3/29/2022
9 weeks with Field Day TBA
Tuesday evenings, 7-9 pm
Bethel Weseylan Church Fellowship building
4036 Old Concord Salisbury Rd.
Kannapolis NC, North Carolina 28083
$43.00 includes book and 1 year membership
Upon completion of the class, participates will have the opportunity to test for the certified beekeeper designation through the NC Beekeeper Association. Visit www.cabarrusbees.com and click on Beginner Beekeeping course to register.
Todd Eury - 704-791-3015
Upcoming Bee Schools
- Feb 7, 2025, 6:00 pm: Columbus County Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 8:00 am: Crystal Coast Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 8:00 am: Halifax-Northampton Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 10:00 am: Bee Excellent Association - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 15, 2025, All day: Beekeepers of the Albermarle - Beekeeping 101
- Feb 15, 2025, All day: Caldwell Beginning Beekeeping Class